UPDATE 5/10/21: It appears Woodrow’s overture was not to be. Sarah Beattie has since deleted her tweet following publication of this story.


State Rep. Steven Woodrow got a little thirsty in Tuesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing.

And we don’t mean Woodrow was dehydrated.

The Denver Democrat responded to a vulgar tweet from fake Saturday Night Live writer but real life Only Fans star Sarah Beattie.

At the risk of overstating the obvious, replying to a porn model on Twitter is the social media equivalent of walking down the street with an erection.

Or in this case, a House Judiciary Committee hearing while on the taxpayer’s time and dime.

Many users were stunned the married father was horny enough to shoot his shot so openly.

Beattie became something of an internet star among Democrats in 2019 after she offered oral sex to anyone who would punch Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann in the face.

Beattie’s proposition caught the attention of the late great Rush Limbaugh at the time, which in retrospect was probably the best thing that ever happened to her career.

“A Saturday Night Live comedy writer responded to the media’s false story about the Covington High kids by offering oral sex to anyone who punches them in the face.” Quote, “I will…” “I will…” Well, I’m gonna substitute a word here. “I will [Lewinsky] whoever manages to punch that MAGA kid in the face,” tweeted Sarah Beattie. So somebody punches a teenager in the face and you’re gonna be right there on your knees, babe? Is that the deal? What is it with these leftist women?

The porn model’s raunchy stands against “racism” are a bit ironic considering Beattie herself isn’t really a fan of African American males.

If you thought Woodrow is the only local Democrat that enjoys Beattie’s X-rated and occasionally racist musings in their feed, think again.

Are Griswold and Woodrow also subscribers to Beattie’s account on Only Fans?

Only significant others snooping through credit card statements know for sure.