It’s been four years since Jared Polis insisted Donald Trump release his tax returns.
A national publication recently reminded us of the governor’s demands in a report detailing how Polis avoids paying his own taxes.
As a member of Congress, Jared Polis was one of the loudest Democrats demanding President Donald Trump release his tax returns.
At a rally in Denver in 2017, he warned the crowd that Trump “might have something to hide.” That same year, on the floor of the House, he introduced a resolution to force the president to release the records, calling them an “important baseline disclosure.”
But during Polis’ successful run for governor of Colorado in 2018, his calls for transparency faded. The dot-com tycoon turned investor broke with recent precedent and refused to disclose his returns, blaming his Republican opponent, who wasn’t disclosing his.
The ProPublica report was picked up by numerous other national and state publications after its release more than a week ago.
Liberals defended the governor with all kinds of justifications, while the Colorado media printed excuses from the governor’s official spokesflacks.
They all dismissed the elephant in the room, and now it’s literally calling for what they keep ignoring — the governor refuses to release his tax returns.
In 2017 @jaredpolis demanded that Pres Trump release his tax returns. He said, “We finally have one who just might have something to hide.”
Now we say the same to YOU, @GovofCO. Release your tax returns, or we finally have one who just might have something to hide. #copolitics
— Kristi Burton Brown (@ColoradoKbb) November 11, 2021
What is Polis hiding?
That he doesn’t pay his fair share of taxes, as he demands from millions of taxpaying Coloradans?
Shame on the media for refusing to hold Democrat state leaders to the same standards as they hound Republicans.
They should have been asking for the governor’s tax returns years ago. And again last week.