President Biden’s poll numbers have plummeted to 33% and less than half of Democrats recently surveyed even want him to run for reelection.
The prospects for the party to sweep the November midterm elections and keep control of Congress are looking bleak, and now some Democrats are willing to say so publicly.
More bad news for Joe Biden…
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 20, 2022
Jeri Shepherd, a Democrat National Committee (DNC) member from Colorado, told The Hill there’s no direction, no messaging, and no motivation from Biden to get the left’s milestones accomplished.
“There are things that Biden could choose to do,” said Jeri Shepherd, a DNC committee member from Colorado. “My sense is that he doesn’t have the political will to.”
That sentiment is spilling over to some in DNC world, including longtime committee members, who argue the messaging from leaders is not matching the reality of the political gridlock facing the administration.
Democrats like Shepherd say there’s been “occasional” pointed communication from top officials regarding next November, but that it’s diluted and reads more like wishful thinking than strategic calculations.
We can certainly understand why messaging has become a problem for Democrats.
.@JoeBiden made a lot of promises during his Inaugural Address exactly one year ago today.
But all we’ve seen is failure.
— Senate Republicans (@NRSC) January 20, 2022
The Democrat National Committee is chaired by Jaime Harrison, who spent a record amount of campaign cash in South Carolina in 2020 trying to take out Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, and failed.
With any luck, Harrison will replicate his campaign strategy nationwide this fall.