Is Colorado the model for where the nation can and should be going in terms of importance to the Democrat Party?
State Democrat Party Chair Morgan Carroll and Satan think so.
Carroll has made her wishes known to the national party that Colorado should be considered for early state presidential primary status, according to Colorado Politics.
According to Carroll:
“Colorado used to be a red state, and through organizing and hard work we have become a purple state — and a purple state that has recently voted blue. We believe we are a model for where the country can and should go.”
But as Colorado Politics notes, nearly half of the state doesn’t even belong to a party.
Colorado’s partisan voters registration hasn’t been as evenly balanced as Carroll suggests for a more than a decade, though the maxim that it’s “a third, a third, a third” persists. Recent registration statistics show unaffiliated voters account for nearly 45% of the states active voters, with Democrats making up 28% and Republicans trailing at 25%.
The Democratic National Committee have apparently tired of tradition and what Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina Democrat voters are producing.
They want to give states with more diverse populations a shot.
And by diverse, they mean all of the new categories of victims they’ve worked so hard to create over the past decade.
If Colorado was selected as an early primary state for the Democrat Party, would we suddenly see closed elections, or would Republicans and independents get to help choose?