A Spanish-language ad that accuses Democrats of taking Hispanic voters for granted is part of a campaign to flip legislative chambers in Colorado and Nevada while defending GOP majority rule in Texas, Florida, and Arizona.
The 30-second spot funded by the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) underscores the GOP’s efforts to make inroads with Hispanic voters, reports The Hill.
Polls also show the beginning of a shift in Hispanic support toward the GOP. A New York Times-Siena College poll this month found that only 41 percent of Hispanics said they intended to vote for Democrats in the upcoming midterms, while 38 percent said they preferred GOP candidates.
“Hispanic voters want good paying jobs, affordable goods, safe communities, and a quality education for their children, and the RSLC will keep deploying innovative voter contact tactics like this to remind them that those are all products of Republican leadership in the states,” said RSLC President Dee Duncan.
The ad opens with the narrator declaring, “Democrats don’t take us seriously,” followed by First Lady Jill Biden butchering the phrase made famous by Cesar Chavez, “Si se puede.”
“They take us for granted. Democrats are great at pandering but not governing. And their policies are making it harder for all Americans to thrive. Good jobs, affordable gas and groceries, and a great education. These things don’t exist under Democrats’ one-party rule. Republicans believe that success lies in the freedom to prosper – because it does – and Republican policies will move us forward.”
The five-figure digital ad buy began Thursday.