A new poll of Coloradans shows more voters would still cast ballots for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, which is not at all surprising, even though the poll was weighted by party affiliation to lean Dem.
But it begs the question: If Biden is more popular than Trump, then why hasn’t any Democrat running for reelection — U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, Jared Polis, and Jena Griswold just to name a few — invited the leader of their party and president of these here United States to visit Colorado and campaign for them?
Colorado Democrats continue to distance themselves from President Biden faster than a White House staffer backtracking every statement the man makes.
The FOX31/Channel 2/Emerson College/The Hill poll of 1,000 likely voters shows 46% would vote for Biden, 36% for Trump, 14% for someone else, and 4% undecided.
Interestingly, the poll actually shows Biden’s popularity has declined in Colorado. The poll gives Biden a 10% edge, yet Biden won Colorado in 2020 by a 13.5% spread.
Biden’s approval ratings are on a slide down skid row because he and the Democrat Party have done a horrible job of running the country, and that’s why no one in Colorado wants the man here to campaign for them.
If the Colorado media were honest …
… they would be asking Democrat candidates what they think of Biden, who’s actually the man in power and running the country, instead of chasing after Republicans with stupid questions about their favorite boogeyman who is no longer running the country, Donald Trump.