A Colorado company making hundreds of millions in revenue to house the homeless is under fire by former workers alleging mistreatment of residents and nasty, even dangerous living conditions.

The accusations come as nonprofit workers at the Colorado Coalition of the Homeless are angling to unionize for more money and safer working conditions.

Janie Sisson, one of the whistleblowers included in a recent investigative report by 7 News, said $21 an hour wasn’t enough money for the job, and left after four months.

“I don’t know how you can go to sleep at night putting people in units that are infested with bedbugs, roaches, and mice and still feel like you’re doing a good thing at the end of the day because from your perspective, it’s better than being on the street,” she said.

One of the residents described as a double amputee who is dependent on a wheelchair was housed on the second floor, a deadly location if a fire breaks out.

PeakNation™ will recall we’ve reported at length on Colorado’s Homeless Industrial Complex and the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless in particular.

Homelessness has become a booming business for vendors and the so-called non-profit, non-government organizations that are rolling in the dough from profits and taxpayer dollars.

We’re not so sure it’s not about solving the problem anymore, but rather to provide a continuing funding stream for Big Homeless to operate.

While homelessness has become a multi-million dollar enterprise in Colorado, the media hasn’t really questioned these so-called non-profits, until now.

In reporting the recent unionizing effort, Denverite revealed this organization was awarded $25 million in Denver contracts last year.

Denver 7 reports the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless brought in $67 million in government (taxpayer dollars) contracts in 2022 and raked in $127 million in revenues.

When John Parvensky retired as CEO of the coalition in 2022, he was making close to $400,000 that year.

When confronted by 7 Denver about the complains by former workers, current CEO Britta Fisher said it hurt her heart.

Call us skeptical (we are) but surely it didn’t hurt Fisher as much as that poor man in the wheelchair who has to drag himself down the stairs when the elevator’s not working.

From Denver 7 News:

Since the interview, CCH has addressed safety concerns raised in our report, adding additional safety staffing and a new reporting system for incidents.

In other words, social workers feel safer and have more paper to push, but no word on whether the disabled are still crawling down the stairs or if the coalition’s 20 buildings that house 2,000 people are sprayed for bugs and mice.