Adam Frisch hoped to utilize his experience running for congress in Colorado’s 3rd District to help fellow Democrats understand how to campaign in rural America.

But the three open vice chair slots had to be gender balanced, so only one of each gender were allowed to win.

Here’s outgoing chairman Jaime Harrison trying to explain the gender requirements for holding office on the Democrat National Committee (DNC) during Saturday’s election.

Frisch never made it past the first round of voting.

Members of the Democrat National Committee decided that David Hogg was their idea of a male candidate, who would help them carry forth the party torch of identity politics and division.

So males are still allowed to hold the office of vice chair, so long as they are anti-masculine, discriminate against boys and are hostile to their own gender.

Democrats were inclusive not of ideas, but of race and gender choosing white guy and party insider Ken Martin as chairman and patriarch.

A Black woman will lead voter participation, and the three at-large vice chairs are an Hispanic woman, a black male who also represents the LGBTQ community, and token white dude Hogg.

So that’s two white guys but no white women, and no Hispanic men, either, for those keeping score.