The Democrat Party brand is underwater in Colorado where their disapproval ratings have climbed to 51%.

That’s according to a recent poll commissioned by One Main Street, which looks to be a moderate Democrat organization.

So that’s bad news for Democrats.

Only 45% of voters polled by Keating Research held a favorable view of the Democrat Party in Colorado, compared to the 51% with an unfavorable opinion.

From the Denver Post:

“ … a majority of unaffiliated voters — and a majority of voters overall — said Republicans better represented the working class and were better at addressing the economy and inflation than Democrats.”

That’s gotta hurt.

Democrat state party Chairman Shad Murib said the survey results could have been worse, like the recent Quinnipiac poll that showed the national party’s approval rating at 31%.

Hell, Republicans in Colorado polled higher than that with a 37% approval rate!

A headline in the Sunday New York Times shows why Democrats are tanking, their top line issues:

Murib’s spin wasn’t very inspirational, or convincing. He shrugged off the party’s loss here of a critical seat that helped keep the U.S. House in GOP control, as well as the Dems loss of their supermajority in the state House as “mixed results.”

From the Post:

Still, Murib said he was concerned about Colorado voters’ identification of the Republican Party with the working class. A plurality of the poll’s participants also said Democrats lost in November because the party was out of touch with voters.

Murib should be concerned, especially when the New York Times is telling its Democrat readers their issues are killing the proverbial canary in the coal mine and only the Republicans care about reviving it.