Democrats including Colorado’s U.S. Rep. Jason Crow are having a meltdown over the stealth restructuring of a federal agency most Americans never heard of that’s funding controversial programs at taxpayer’s expense.

The U.S. Agency for International Development, more commonly known as USAID, has been targeted for swamp draining by the DOGE task force.

PeakNation™ will recall this is the same agency of Wuhan virus fame.

Crow says only 1% of the federal budget is used to fund the agency, as if that somehow excuses it from wasting taxpayer dollars, oversight, and getting it back on track of its intended mission.

USAID was supposed to focus on feeding starving children in third world countries and other humanitarian aid.

And yet lawmakers have complained for years the agency had lost sight of its mission when it comes to international development aid.

PeakNationwill have noticed that after Biden was elected, the media and so-called government watchdog groups stopped reporting on waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars in federal agencies.

Now that Republicans have access to the books, it turns out USAID has been spending your hard-earned dollars on funding a transgender comic book in Peru and producing a transgender opera in Columbia, among other eye-rolling items.

Not exactly the humanitarian missions most taxpayers expect.

Crow unleashed a barrage of tweets reciting the creation of the agency and how Congress gave them independent powers, which they have obviously abused.

“It’s making America weaker & has nothing to do with government efficiency,” Crow argued of the Trump administration’s revamping of the agency.

Just to be clear, the agency’s core mission has not been scuttled, but is now under the wing of the State Department where the good work the agency did will continue.

But all the other bullshit funding?

Democrats can kiss that nonsense goodbye.

Voters have learned that Democrats don’t care about democracy.

They’re too busy fighting to preserve the bureaucracy that will continue in their absence from power to fund the extreme leftist mission and messaging that will pave the way for their return.