A Colorado nonprofit joined a lawsuit to block an audit of a federal fund that uses our tax dollars to provide legal counsel for illegal aliens facing deportation.

Not only are our hard-earned taxpayer dollars being used to house, feed, and educate Biden’s border busters, but when immigration finally catches them, we are also paying their legal fees to help them stay in this country.

President Trump issued an order last week directing the Attorney General and Homeland Security to conduct an audit of these funds.

The Denver Gazette reports:

The goal of the review, the order said, is to ensure that contracts conform to laws and are “free of waste, fraud, and abuse, and that they do not promote or facilitate violations of our immigration laws.”

Instead of cooperating to make sure there is no waste, fraud and abuse of this funding — other than the waste of its intent — these non-governmental organizations then sued the administration to block oversight calling it a funding freeze.

The Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network in Westminster said they found out Wednesday about the audit and complained by Saturday to the Gazette it had already hampered their operations.

Which is really bizarre, since federal funding is not received on a daily basis but in one big annual chuck, so it shouldn’t have any effect at all in just three workdays.

And yet the affected NGOs made cuts on their own then called the media to complain about it.

By Monday, the Justice Department had caved and promised no funding operation would be interrupted, the Associated Press reported.

But is the audit of what and how the money is being used still continuing?

No one in the media has bothered to report that fact, because being a government watchdog of who taxpayer dollars is spent is no longer part of their responsibility, apparently.

Malicious compliance strikes again.