Liberals in Colorado have long derided anyone who wants to reduce voter fraud as racists chasing non-existent threats. It will be interesting, then, to hear their reaction to two recent stories reported by Revealing Politics, the new national web venture by Colorado's Kelly Maher.
On Friday, Revealing Politics uncovered numerous letters from non-citizens begging to be removed from Colorado's voter rolls. You can see the letters below:
SoS CORA Letters from non-citizens
If the Secretary of State has received this stack of letters from people pro-actively trying to cancel their illegal registrations, how many illegally registered voters might there be? Wouldn't it behoove the state to find out?
Not only has Revealing Politics provided ample evidence of voter fraud, but they reported today on a citizen in Pueblo receiving two ballots in the mail.
As the article snarkily points out, the double ballot mailing came courtesy of a fitting counting clerk — Pueblo's Gilbert "Leon Lett" Ortiz — the same clerk who had trouble counting ballots in 2011. In an attempt to make a political point about inactive voters, Ortiz claimed 4,870 ballots from inactive voters had been returned, when in fact the number was 1,791. And now he's sending out two ballots at a time. Counting should probably be a prerequisite for the County Clerk and Recorder position.
Hey Colorado Pols — do you think it's time for MSNBC to "lionize" Ortiz again?
Maybe, just maybe, the good work of the folks over at Revealing Politics proves something conservatives have been saying for quite some time — voter fraud and election integrity is a real concern. Maybe we should do something about it.