SUCK UP: Bennet Goes On Tweetathon To Kiss Media Butts

We can count on one hand how many tweets we typically see from U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet in a day — 17 this month. He’s never been a big communicator with his constituents through social media or actual, in-person town halls. So repeated tweets in a matter of hours...

BIAS REVEALED! Newspapers Organize to Bash Trump

The Denver Post and 300 newspapers across America are coordinating efforts to prove once and for all they don’t like Republicans. Their admissions are scheduled for the Sunday editorial pages in which they all, united in one giant biased voice, will criticize...

LEAVE THE GUY ALONE: Jack Phillips Sued Again

Is there any question that Jack Phillips, infamous owner of Masterpiece Bakery in Lakewood, is being targeted? Phillips, if you have been hiding under a rock for the past two years, was sued by the state of Colorado because he would not bake a cake for a same-sex...

WTF IS WRONG WITH WEISER? Dem AG Candidate Fat Shames GOP Staffer

Last night, Democrat Attorney General candidate Phil Weiser’s campaign sent a tweet, ostensibly “outing” a young conservative political operative who tracks Weiser’s events, as if this is something that Democrat candidates don’t employ in...