We can count on one hand how many tweets we typically see from U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet in a day — 17 this month.
He’s never been a big communicator with his constituents through social media or actual, in-person town halls.
So repeated tweets in a matter of hours from his office caught our eye as we scrolled through. We were moving fairly quickly and presumed it was all about fire safety and evacuation information that many western politicos have posted in recent days.
Turns out Bennet was tweeting about newspaper editorials from across the state bashing his chief nemesis, President Trump.
We posted earlier about this coordinated event with more than 300 newspaper editors across the country to run editorials in the Sunday paper bashing the president because he says mean things about them.
Looks like Colorado papers are running all theirs online Thursday, and Bennet’s office was right there trolling behind them to push that Republican-bashing message into his social media echo chamber.
They posted 10 tweets in just three hours.
“The role journalism plays in our free society is too crucial to allow this degradation to continue. We aren’t the enemy of the people. We are the people. We aren’t fake news. We are your news & we struggle night/day to get the facts right.” @DurangoHerald https://t.co/bWNcg2iFMh
— Michael Bennet (@SenBennetCO) August 16, 2018
The Colorado participating newspapers in the bashathon include:
Denver Post
Boulder Daily Camera
Aurora Sentinel
Grand Junction Daily Sentinel
Durango Herald
Pueblo Chieftain
Colorado Springs Gazette, wait, what?
We’ll give them all read, so you don’t have to, and we’ll pass on any gems of wisdom, if any of the editorial writers actually stumble upon one.
We seriously doubt Bennet read a single one of them. His press secretary was either sucking up to her sources, or congressional Democrats are coordinating their own effort to use all these editorials for their political advantage.