AMAZON: Hick’s Working Overtime To Become the Face of Failure

Hickenlooper is wildly back-peddling on what he now says what just a joke about how relieved he would be if Denver lost out on Amazon’s $5 billion investment and 50,000 jobs, because then he wouldn’t have to work hard. Of course he’s committed to Colorado’s bid, Hick...

FULL-COURT PRESS: Why Does Hick Hate SB1, the Transportation Bill?

Yesterday, Twitter was abuzz that Team Hick was putting on a full-court press to kill Senate Bill 1, which is a transportation bill that would fix our roads by diverting 10% of state sales and use tax (i.e., without raising our taxes). Sounds like a fantastic idea to...

LAME, LAZY DUCK: Hick Now Admits He Wants to Avoid Hard Work

Hickenlooper’s lame duck governorship is off to a ridiculously lame start with his reaction Tuesday to the selection of Denver as a top 20 choice by Amazon for the fabled second headquarters. “There will be a sense of relief if they choose somewhere else because there...