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WEAK WATCHDOG: DeGette Monitors Government Phone Calls

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt made his first appearance in front of a congressional committee that includes U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette last week. It being his first, one would imagine that she had lots of important questions to ask him about EPA Superfund cleanups in her own...

MIXED MESSAGE: Polis Says He Supports This, Turns Out He Doesn’t

An interesting report from Western Wire lists who in the Colorado delegation is backing an effort to move the Bureau of Land Management headquarters from D.C. to a Western state, preferably Colorado. Supporting U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton’s bill on the House side are...

SUPER SUPERVISION: Because the EPA Can’t Clean up Its Own Mess

The Trump administration listed the Superfund cleanup around Silverton as a top priority and will accelerate the work being done at the sprawling site. The priority list means Silverton will get the direct attention of EPA Chief Scott Pruitt, which is only appropriate...

KENNEDY OUT: Democratic Opposition Against Tipton Shrinks

Grand Junction City Councilor Chris Kennedy essentially quit his campaign against U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton almost as soon as it began, but didn’t announced it until this week. The Denver Post says Kennedy cited undisclosed health reasons. The Grand Junction Daily...

IMPEACHING TRUMP: Not All Colorado Dems Voted in Favor

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis was clearly participating in some outlandish political grandstanding for the benefit of his gubernatorial campaign this week. He sided with a few dozen Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States, because...

2022 General Election






