Recent Headlines

IMPEACHING TRUMP: Not All Colorado Dems Voted in Favor

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis was clearly participating in some outlandish political grandstanding for the benefit of his gubernatorial campaign this week. He sided with a few dozen Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States, because...

WHAT? University of Colorado Creates Black-Only Dorm

In a move that dials back generations of war, legislation, court cases, and public policy, the University of Colorado in Boulder has re-created its own shameful version of "separate but equal." This year the school re-flagged Hallett Hall a "Social Justice Living...

BAH HUMBUG: Democrats Bemoan Paying More in Taxes Via Christmas Carol

Liberals have been ruining Christmas for as long as we can remember and Revealing Politics was there to catch the most recent installment of "Liberals Politicize All the Things" in which carolers serenade Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman's office in protest of the...

NONE OF OUR BUSINESS: Hick Meddles in Utah Monument

Utah Gov. Hickenlooper issued a statement on the Interior Department’s decision to roll back the size of Bears Ears National Monument in his state. “Preserving and expanding our national monuments is keeping in the best traditions of our country. In Colorado, we value...

PEAK HONORS: These Are Being Renamed to Honor Coloradans

Unnamed mountain peaks would be named for Colorado climbers Charlie Fowler and Christine Boskoff under a bill authored by U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton that passed the House last week. Fowler Peak and Boskoff Peak would be on the border of San Miguel and Dolores Counties....

PANIC BUTTON: Only $600 Million in the Bank?

Gov. Hickenlooper is all over a Denver Post story about a recent Moody’s study that suggests numerous states including Colorado don’t have enough in the rainy-day fund to sustain another recession. Hickenlooper gets credit for “trying” by increasing the fund since he...

2022 General Election






