Recent Headlines

HICK’S TWO FACES: Why He Wants Dems to Play Petty Politics

Gov. Hickenlooper is urging Senate Democrats to play petty politics with Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination. Talking out of both sides of his mouth, he explains how wonderful it is that Gorsuch was nominated and how talented he is and all. But then goes on...

ELWAY WRITES A LETTER: All Hell Breaks Loose

Former Broncos quarterback John Elway’s act of writing a letter to lawmakers is not political grandstanding, it was a personal decision to show his support of Neil Gorsuch to sit on the Supreme Court. He didn’t read the letter aloud during a football game, or a town...

THAT $700 MILLION TAX HIKE? Who is Saying No, Besides Us

A new phone blitz is underway targeting state GOP lawmakers and urging them to oppose the $700 million sales tax hike in the transportation plan being hustled in the state Senate. The push comes from Americans for Prosperity Colorado and state director Michael Fields,...

HIGHER AMBITION? Why Bennet is Silent on Support for Gorsuch

After listening to Democratic senators drone on for hours about petty politics in their opening statements at Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing, the Denver homeboy had to explain to the politicians that the Supreme Court was “not about politics.” Pledging to...

SUPREME INTRODUCTION: Gardner Gives Gorsuch Glowing Intro

While Sen. Bennet may have a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation on this hands, Republican Sen. Cory Gardner was all smiles in his introduction of Judge Gorsuch during Gorsuch's Supreme Court nomination hearing. His introduction wasn't a laundry list of...

ROCK AND A HARD PLACE: Bennet Walks Fine Line in Gorsuch Hearings

Embattled Democratic U.S. Senator Michael Bennet is between a rock and a hard place regarding the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. On one hand, Bennet is Gorsuch's hometown Senator and deep in his heart, we think he likes Gorsuch. On the...

WORLD IS NOT ENDING: But Read This Post, Anyway

Sometimes a headline nails the story, and the Pueblo Chieftain did so with this one: Lawmakers say they'll set EPA budget, not Trump It’s a fact the hankie-wringing Democrats seem to forget every time a Republican is in the White House — the president proposes a...

2022 General Election






