Recent Headlines

DEADLINE: Petitions Are Due Today – Who’s In, Who’s Out

Today is the deadline for candidates planning to petition on the 2016 primary or general election ballot to turn in their required signatures. There are several races worth watching in which the candidates either opted to go straight petition route or did not make the...

SHOW US THE MONEY: EPA Refuses to Pay Animas River Claims

It’s been nine months since the EPA mucked up the Gold King Mine causing untold environmental contamination and millions of dollars in damages. Nine months since EPA Chief Gina McCarthy pledged to take responsibility and pay residents financial restitution. She done...

NOT ANYMORE! A Tree Grows in Boulder

Boulder is in mourning over a terrible loss to the community — four cottonwood trees given the death sentence by a judge who ruled that the timber was blocking a ditch and posed a flooding threat. “Once the trees are gone, they are gone forever,” said Patrick Hall,...

DELEGATES UNBOUND: Colorado State Delegates Jockey for Convention Power

Delegates to the State Assembly or any of the seven Congressional Assemblies are on fire marketing to would-be delegate voters for the chance to pick the Republican Party's next presidential candidate. Some are launching aggressive social media campaigns, some are...

SIGN HERE: Keyser Submits Petition Signatures

As the April 4th deadline for U.S. Senate candidates not going through the Assembly process to submit 10,500 signatures draws near, another candidate has submitted his signatures to get on the Republican primary ballot - Jon Keyser. Keyser is the second candidate...

VEEP? Bennet Press Conference Today Suggests it’s So!

Interesting timing, no doubt, that Hillary Clinton’s announcement last night she would name her running mate before the convention coincides with a press release from U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet that he is holding a press conference at 10:30 a.m. today at the Capitol for...

DOGGY DILEMA: House Criminalizes Poser Service Animals

A bill that unanimously passed the state House this week makes it a crime for dogs to be falsely represented as a service animal so that owners don’t reap ill-gotten rewards of taking their companions with them to public places. Criminalizing the misrepresentation of...

CHICKENLOOPER: Governor Takes Bold Stance to do Nothing About Gitmo

Gov. Hickenlooper has finally decided to stand up to President Obama and just say no to Gitmo. From where did his sudden courage come? The belief that Obama would never actually do it. "At this point it's hypothetical," he said. "My guess is that this decision will...

2022 General Election






