Recent Headlines

HICK OUT AS VP? Lt. Gov. Garcia Moves to Greener Pastures

Lt. Governor Joe Garcia is leaving his position as Rising Sex Star to take the top job at the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education, The Denver Post reported. The organization, which is commonly pronounced "witchy" according to Wikipedia, describes itself...

BROKEN PROMISE: Chimney Rock Plan Bans Grazing and Recreation

When President Obama declared Chimney Rock in the San Juan National Forest a national monument three years ago, his declaration assured us that grazing would be allowed to continue. Laws, regulations, and policies followed by the Forest Service in issuing and...

WHO IS SHE KIDDING? Carroll Laughs Off Gitmo Transfer

Did you hear the joke about the Gitmo terrorists being transferred to a Colorado prison? Neither did we, but Democratic Congressional candidate Morgan Carroll seems to think it’s all a big joke, and laughed when asked if she agreed with President Obama’s plans to do...

FAILING GRADES: Colorado Earns a D+ in State Integrity Report

Colorado may get high marks for its natural beauty and lifestyle, but the Center for Public Integrity once again has dinged the state in its annual State Integrity Investigation in which Colorado earned a D+ overall.  To be fair to Colorful Colorado, that D+ grade put...

PIPE DOWN: Obama Fails to Protect Planet by Killing Keystone

After jerking the Keystone XL pipeline approval process around for seven years, President Obama has decided that it would not serve in the national interest. We’re not sure which nation he was thinking about when he made that decision, but it clearly wasn’t the one we...

POWER OF THE PURSE: Gardner Wants to Prevent IRS Unionization

With the bad and, often unethical behavior exhibited by unions in Colorado and nationwide, entrusting unions with sensitive financial information of potential political adversaries should be the last thing our country does. That's why Republican Sen. Cory Gardner's...

2022 General Election






