Recent Headlines

JACK-BOOTED THUGGERY: Public Lands Supporter Sent to Prison

When some environmentalists vandalize work sites to block economic growth and energy development, they get government grants to continue their anarchy. But when activists hold a non-violent protest to remove a barrier to public lands, they’re labeled as...

JEFFCO SOS: Union Recall Effort Sputtering?

Send the Jeffco school board recallers a life raft because, if their political stunts are any indication, they are running into some problems gathering the necessary signatures to get on the ballot. Or, at least get on the November ballot.  Yesterday, all the union...

PARTING SHOT: Departing City Auditor Takes Aim at Denver Mayor

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock may be breathing easier upon the departure of Denver City Auditor Dennis Gallagher, who is retiring this year.  But, not quite yet. Gallagher left Hancock a parting gift in the form of a pointed letter about the Denver Department of Human...

KUDOS TO MAASS: CBS4 Report on Obamaphone Fraud Goes to Washington

Brian Maass at CBS4 deserves to win the highest award for public service broadcast journalism this year for exposing rampant fraud in the Obamaphone program in Denver. Maass’s story recently received the attention of the FCC, just as the government was preparing to...

SWINGING WITH OBAMA: Perlmutter Rewarded For Supporting Iran Deal?

It appears that U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter’s golf game Sunday with President Obama was his reward for praising the administration’s troubling deal with Iran. The Denver Post reported glowingly on the game, but failed to mention what prompted the leader of the free world...

2022 General Election






