CAPTION THIS: Zoo Day at the Capitol Leads to Prickly Meetings

Democratic Rep. Joe Salazar, who often suffers from foot in mouth disease, has been one of our favorite representatives to, ahem, p0ke because his skin is just so thin. That why when the Colorado Democrats distributed the photo below on Twitter as part of Zoo Day at...

PEAK THERAPY: Did We Hurt Your Feelings, Rep. Salazar?

We laughed when Rep. Joe Salazar (D-Rape Whistle), while discussing an online harassment bill, specifically cited the Peak calling him “Jackass Joe” because just twice in five years have we called him that. In fact, we only have mentioned Salazar in...

GOTCHA: Undercover Reporter Catches Dem Activists Condoning Voter Fraud

Reporter James O’Keefe, with Project Veritas Action, demonstrates how Colorado’s mail-in ballot system can be easily compromised as a slew of liberal activists shows their willingness to commit voter fraud in his latest undercover video. O’Keefe visited staff who...