PEAKFEED: A Preview of Possible AFP Ads

We’re betting Senator Mark Udall is praying Americans For Prosperity runs out of money before the organization gets a chance to unleash these devastating ads against him in Colorado:

INSIDE BASEBALL: Left Blogosphere Having a Bad Week

Who let the J.V. play for the Left’s blogosphere? It’s either that, or the case for Senator Mark Udall’s re-election is rapidly falling apart. PeakNation™, we know we aren’t exactly Mother Theresa here, but one of our many daily acts of beatification for you is...

DEEP BLUE RUBBER STAMP: Udall Votes with Obama 99% of Time

We don’t know if you’re like us, but, after Sunday night, we just needed a little TLC.  We curled up on the couch with our favorite blanket, a nice warm mug of cocoa in hand (marshmallows!), some gooey Mac ’n’ Cheese in a bowl, and this video on repeat. Now, as much...