Jun 15, 2015
Because Colorado’s health care system doesn’t suck enough, that crazy ballot initiative with the $25 billion price tag we warned you about in April has landed like a flaming bag of poop on our doorstep. A spokeswoman for the oxymoronically named...
Apr 30, 2014
Maximillian Potter, supposed Hickenlooper communication guru (and noted ham sandwich enthusiast) must believe any praise for liberal Gov. John Hickenlooper should be shared. When Hickenlooper’s praises were sung in a New York Times op-ed this week, Potter made sure...
Mar 25, 2014
One of the greatest lies ever told to the American public – aside from President Obama’s “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” – is the notion that our public schools are under funded. A new Cato Institute study, State Education Trends: Academic Performance...
Nov 5, 2013
The billion dollar tax increase, backed by $10 million from primarily the teachers unions and out-of-state donors, went down hard tonight. Opponents barely had two nickels to rub together. Final results are still being tabulated but it’s all over but for the Fat...
Oct 18, 2013
Earlier this week conservative group Compass Colorado caught Governor Hickenlooper lying to national reporters about where the money from the proposed pot tax Prop AA would go. Hickenlooper told the reporters that the money wouldn’t go to “public education...