fbi alertAfter issuing two alerts about Middle Eastern men approaching military families in Colorado and Wyoming and making suspicious statements, like, your husband is a U.S. interrogator; the FBI has decided their warnings contained no credible threats to military personnel or their families.

That’s what they’re telling the media in Colorado after the news broke earlier this week and U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner made official inquiries. See our report here.

“The FBI continues to coordinate with its military and law enforcement partners to ensure the safety of our communities,” the statement read. “The FBI asks the community to remain vigilant and report signs of suspicious activity to law enforcement.”

So there you have it. The “situational information reports” to local law enforcement in May and July contained no credible threats, but be on the lookout for suspicious activity.

Oh, and that statement two weeks ago by FBI Director James Comey in Denver warning that Colorado faced a heightened threat from the Islamic State, someone should tell him he might not be credible.