As we reported earlier this week, both Mike Coffman and Morgan Carroll were interviewed for an endorsement at the Denver Post. Well, PeakNation™, the results are in, and many of Carroll’s supporters are having difficulty coming to terms with the result.
If they would have listened to this tape, Carroll supporters would have been able to hear first hand their candidate was already ready to “tell you the [Denver Post] endorsement is going for Coffman again.”
We cannot say were very surprised. A tape of Carroll calling out the paper for not doing any “real reporting” is an awkward stepping off point for any interview.
But in typical liberal fashion, the fault lies elsewhere: the mainstream media “suppressing” stories about her opponent, TV ads being too expensive, the newspaper endorsed Coffman over Romanoff…the list goes on.
Nowhere do Carroll supporters recognize that Coffman’s lifetime of public service at home and abroad, his work to learn to speak Spanish in his late fifties, and his tireless campaigning and work in session have earned him the trust an admiration of the voters in CD-6.
Regardless of how the Denver Post came out with its endorsement, we feel that Coffman’s track record and campaign far out shined anything that Carroll and her team brought to the fight, and for that reason, Coffman’s going back to Congress and Carroll is going back to a personal injury law firm.