U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet finally addressed the arrest of Jussie Smollett for filing a false police report claiming the actor was a victim of racial and homophobic hate crimes, but if you blinked, you missed it.
For those vacationing on a different planet, police say Smollett hired two men to orchestrate the fake attack, and also mailed himself the threatening letter containing white powder, with a return address of Make America Great Again.
Bennet and a host of other Democrats running for president politicized the event without question when Smollett first reported the bogus incident. We’ve been waiting for over a week for Bennet to walk back his outrage and correct the record.
There are no words to describe the despicable attack on Jussie Smollett. We must all come together to stand up against homophobia, racism, and all forms of hate. My thoughts are with Jussie, and I wish him a speedy recovery. https://t.co/g0xeq612WA
— Michael Bennet (@SenatorBennet) January 30, 2019
What we got was more of a sidestep, a blip of an apology that appears only in a tweet from Eli Stokols on Friday.
>New @SenatorBennet on Jussie Smollet news: “False claims are shameful and do a disservice to actual victims of hate crimes. We can’t allow this to distract us from the sobering fact that hate crimes are on the rise in this country, and that’s where our focus should be.”
— Eli Stokols (@EliStokols) February 22, 2019
This statement never appeared on Bennet’s Twitter account, it’s not on any of his Facebook accounts, not in a press release, no other media has picked it up, and we couldn’t find the quote in the entire universe of Google.
Bennet said last month there were “no words to describe the despicable attack,” although liar, fake, and fraud immediately jump to mind.
Bennet now says we should not be distracted by this spectacular implosion, the flames of which Democrats like Bennet fanned with political abandon.
Looks like the media are just doing what they are told, and ignored Bennet’s complicity in this whole political stunt.
“Fake news is shameful and does a disservice to innocent people accused of hate crimes. We can’t allow this to distract us from the sobering fact that fake news is on the rise in this country, and that’s where our focus should be.”
There. Fixed it for ya.