Well done media apologists!

When John Hickenlooper demanded you all defend him against ethics violation charges, you failed him and he was found guilty on two counts.

But the media has more than made up to Hick by completely glossing over a wildly racist comment made by the former governor.

Complete coincidence?

Take a look at these copycat headlines that downplay, or even distort, what Hickenlooper actually said.

Hickenlooper did not just make “slave ship comments,” like he was giving some sort of tutorial on the issue of slavery and got a fact wrong.

As governor, Hickenlooper compared his job as an elected official to that of a slave being whipped while rowing a ship.

In the context of the ongoing discussion by the national media and Democrat Party on race and police powers, this and other racially insensitive comments by Hickenlooper should have doomed his chances in the party’s U.S. Senate primary election on June 30.

Instead, Hickenlooper finally got the media cover-up he’s been demanding.