Senator John Hickenlooper is hilariously attempting to backtrack after voting for an amendment that expressed opposition to sending COVID stimulus checks to illegal immigrants.

In prior decades such an amendment would have hardly been controversial among Republicans and Democrats.

How times have changed.

According to the Colorado Sun’s Unaffiliated newsletter, Hickenlooper’s State Director privately apologized to the Colorado ACLU for his vote.

Denise Maes, public policy director for the ACLU of Colorado, said she heard from Shad Murib, Hickenlooper’s state political director. “I think his message was: ‘We hear you. We got it wrong. We’ll do better,’” Maes said.


The bottom line: Hickenlooper’s critics say they are spending days focusing on the vote and coming down hard on the senator because they want him to get the message that his actions were unacceptable. “If we didn’t come down so heavily with all hands on deck, we have six years of this,” Maes said. “What he’s got to know is: We’re watching.”

An interesting aside: Murib is the spouse of Kerry Donovan who recently declared her candidacy for Colorado’s third Congressional district.

It is unclear if Donovan also supports sending taxpayer funded stimulus checks to non-citizens.

More broadly, Hick’s flip-flop is also especially entertaining in light of an effort underway within the state Democrat party to censure the newly elected Senator.

In a letter to state Democratic Party chair Morgan Carroll, the state’s three elected Democratic National Committee members — Joe Salazar, Jeri Shepherd and Radhika Nath — demanded what appears to be an unprecedented “public censure” of Hickenlooper “for his support of a hateful, xenophobic, and racist amendment offered by Republican Senators.”

Where this fiasco will end is anyone’s guess.

What’s clear is when Hick said he wasn’t cut out for the job, he wasn’t kidding.

However, we have to give Chickenlooper credit for accomplishing the rare feat of both alienating his liberal allies while admitting to conservatives his vote for this amendment was BS from the beginning.

Bravo, Hick!