Grand Junction is not some third world country that requires special election monitoring from a bunch of U.N. poll watchers or from Jena Griswold’s politicized Secretary of State’s office.
It’s hard to tell the difference these days.
But Tina Peters is out as elections supervisor, and the Mesa County Commissioners had already appointed new officials to take her place.
So it’s understandable why commissioners just told Griswold to get lost in the November General Election, and take her special election watchers with her.
County commissioners wrote a letter to tell Griswold the county’s current elections supervisor handled the primary professionally and does not need additional supervision.
They don’t need her additional supervision, or the nasty politics that comes with it.
Griswold has her own reelection to worry about this fall, and her opponent will not be Peters.
Republican Pam Anderson is a credible candidate who has the maturity and professionalism to run our state’s election office without all the drama and politics embraced by Griswold.
Colorado voters are tired of that hateful divisiveness.
They want an adult in the room.