Attorney General Phil Weiser came under fire on social media earlier this week for recommending car theft insurance, as opposed to offering any meaningful solutions to Colorado’s skyrocketing crime problems.

 It was all so embarrassing, we reported.

Now a video is making the Twitter rounds of Weiser admitting Colorado has a get-out-of-jail-free system when it comes to grand theft auto.

You should probably go to jail, Weiser explains, if you’re averaging one car theft per month, and only then after the third or fourth car is stolen.

Because breaking the law two or three times doesn’t count anymore, at least when it comes to stealing vehicles that on average cost $47,000.

It’s like California — where one has to shoplift upwards of $1,000 in merchandise before one is prosecuted.

Only in Colorado, a criminal must steal more than $150,000 worth of vehicles before they have to spend time in the pokey.

Except for when you get caught here:

John Kellner is the Republican running against Weiser in the November election, and succinctly explains why Coloradans should not elect his opponent.

The race for attorney general isn’t drawing any major media attention, which is a shame, because it’s one of the most important jobs in the state.

That’s a great freaking question, Mr. Reporter! You should probably pick up the phone and ask Weiser about his solution to buy insurance and giving car thieves multiple chances to stop stealing cars.