DROP OUT WATCH: Who Will Go First, Hick or Bennet?

  Now that John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet have had their moment in the sun on the presidential debate stage, it’s time for them to look forward to their next big step. Specifically, when will they drop out of the race? After Thursday’s performance, or lack...

HICK, BENNET AT DEBATE: So Little Time, So Much Dirt

The presidential candidates from Colorado didn’t get a lot of air time during Thursday’s debate in Miami, but they still managed to reveal some controversial political stances. For example, John Hickenlooper accused the U.S. of “kidnapping” immigrant children who...

NO MEANS NO: City Liberals Locking up More Western Slope Land

Earlier this week it was U.S. Sen. Diane DeGette, now it’s her Boulder neighbor U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse who is locking up Western Slope land from public use without their consent. Apparently, we need to draw them a map. If you’ll look closely, Mr. Neguse, your district...

HICK WHO? Debate Security Mistakes Hick for Lamestream Media

  When John Hickenlooper showed up at the debate office to pick up his credentials, they tried to give him a media pass. We’re not sure which is funnier, that he wasn’t recognized as a presidential candidate, or that he was mistaken for a frumpy millennial news...