CITIZENSHIP: Court Strikes Down Census Question Used Since 1820

The U.S. Census next year may exclude a question regarding citizenship when it collects the number of residents to determine congressional seats. A federal judge ruled against the question Tuesday, now the case is expected to go to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final...

FIRST STEP: Democrats Move to Repeal TABOR

Today, the title board, which is just an initial step for ballot initiatives, will weigh in on a proposal submitted by the Fiscal Policy Institute to repeal TABOR. In case you’ve been living under a rock or are immune to whining by Democrats, TABOR is the...

ETHICS INVESTIGATION: Hick’s Political Ambitions on the Rocks

The good news for John Hickenlooper is the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission has shortened the list of ethical complaints it will investigate. The bad news: There’s an actual list of potential law breaking by the former governor — secret gifts and favors that...

NON-ESSENTIAL: Remind Us Why We Pay These Park Workers

We reported earlier that non-essential government workers will still get paid for not working once the government reopens. It’s like a paid vacation, only their paycheck will be a little late — four days and counting. As it turns out, many park service employees — the...