PROPOSITION 110: Survey Says, No New Taxes

Here’s a newsflash — Colorado voters aren’t in the mood for a massive tax hike. That’s supported by a new poll from Magellan Strategies on the transportation plans that go before the voters in a few weeks. Proposition 110, “Let’s Go Colorado,” received a paltry 35...

BUMPY LANDING: When Will Hick Show Receipts for His AirHick Flights?

A recently-filed complaint against Democratic Governor John Hickenlooper alleges that the “aw shucks” Governor loves him some private jets. According to the complaint, Hick accepted private jet flights and other lavish travel benefits without reporting...

WHY THE COLD SHOULDER? Polis Gets No Love, or $ From Hickenlooper

Was it just an oversight, or does Gov. Hickenlooper intentionally mean to totally snub Jared Polis’s campaign to replace him in the governor’s mansion? Hickenlooper is passing out donations like Halloween candy from his newly formed Giddy Up PAC. He’s donated to...

POOR LITTLE MILLIONAIRE: How Polis Can Get Filthier Rich as Governor

Former Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler was interviewed by Jimmy Sengenberger on Business for Breakfast this week to discuss the complaint filed against Jared Polis for some funny business in his financial disclosures. Or lack of disclosure, it turns out....