BEWARE THE BIRDS: HRCA Closes Backcountry Trails

On a global scale, the golden eagle is not considered to be a threatened species. The Obama administration even gave its permission for alternative energy companies using wind turbines to kill the birds without penalty. But in the Highlands Ranch Community Association...

HANCOCK AND LEBSOCK: Democrats are Tripping Over … Sex Scandals

It’s complicated. That’s the box Democrats are checking when it comes to their relationship with their elected officials. Denver Mayor Michael Han(d)cock now admits he sexually harassed an employee on his security detail in 2012, after the accusation and proof...

JUST OFFENSIVE: Hick Says Teachers Wouldn’t Be Good at Shooting

Say what? Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper told NPR that teachers wouldn’t be any good at shooting. We know a few teachers who would disagree entirely. Here is what Hickenlooper said: “I think we’ve got to look at everything on the table, but certainly...