Recent Headlines

POT MEET KETTLE: Morgan Carroll Uses VA Hospital Crisis to Fundraise   

Earlier this year, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Colorado Democrats criticized Rep. Coffman for fundraising off of the Veterans Administration scandal (he wasn’t) because he sent an email asking people to sign a petition so he could continue to...

WATER GRAB: Gardner Legislates to Stop ‘Waters of the U.S.’ Rule

U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner has joined efforts in D.C. to put a stop to that ridiculous new rule out of Washington regulating the ditches in our front yards, ponds in the back, and probably every mud puddle in between. The grandiose scheme to obliterate state sovereignty...

MORE BLOWOUTS IN COLORADO? Tipton Nails EPA on Transparency Bunk

We told you earlier this week that the EPA had identified ten mines nationwide, four in Colorado, that are at risk of a blowout. However, those transparent folks at the EPA would not tell us where the mines were located except perhaps one near Crested Butte. Turns out...

BUSTED! EPA Violated Endangered Species Law in Animas Spill

Sweet Gods of Karma, we cried nerd tears of joy today watching the EPA getting nailed for violating the sacred Endangered Species Act for their negligence in the Animas River spill. Turns out that it is very illegal, as in, criminal and civil charges illegal, when...

GAFFTASTIC: Polis Apologizes for Meaning What He Says

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis is sorry he was hit by a barrage of bad press because of his campus rape comments, but he doesn’t appear at all sorry that he said it. The Boulder Daily Camera reports that Polis called his remarks “a major gaffe” that “went to far,” but in the...

DRINK! Your Colorado Guide to Watching CNN’s Republican Primary Debate

It's that time again. The time when liberals salivate over watching Republicans try to destroy each other in yet another Republican primary debate. This time, the ten on stage will be: Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Marco...

2022 General Election






