Recent Headlines

MAKE IT MATTER: Bipartisan Support for a Colorado Presidential Primary

Stop the presses! Democrats and Republicans in Colorado actually agree on something: the caucus system isn’t fun when it comes to selecting presidential nominees. A presidential primary would be more fun and would involve more people. The caucus system is complicated,...

LYNCH CONFIRMED: Colorado Splits on Attorney General Vote

Loretta Lynch was confirmed today as the new attorney general to replace Eric Holder by a Senate vote of 56 to 43 – that means 10 Republicans crossed party lines to support President Obama’s nominee. U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner was not one of them. Gardner voted against...

BALL AND CHAIN: Democrats Pick Planned Parenthood Over Justice

It looks like Democrats may be confused. Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony on Senate Bill 268, which would allow prosecutors to charge perpetrators for the death of a fetus as in the horrific case of Michelle Wilkins, whose daughter Aurora was...

SAVING THE GROUSE: Let States Do What Washington Can’t Get Right

Dear United States Senate, please drop everything and pass this bill Cory Gardner introduced today, that gives states a chance to save the sage grouse before the feds doom the creature to the endangered species list where only one percent of the critters ever recover....

EARTH DAY: Celebrate Our Way, With Beer!

Today we are celebrating Earth Day by offering our own unique tips to save the environment: Don’t leave any footprints on the planet. Better yet, don’t even walk on the planet. It makes Mother Earth cry, and it’s sexist. Best to utilize flying monkeys if you really...

PEAKFEED: Sex, Drugs, and Spin

  Glad to see #DEA chief Leonhart will step down. We need a more sensible approach to our federal drug policies. Marijuana ≠ heroin — Rep. Jared Polis (@RepJaredPolis) April 21, 2015 Right. We're guessing that's not why she resigned.   Michele Leonhart will resign as...

2022 General Election






