Recent Headlines

BACKDOOR GUN BAN: Feds to Block Sale of AR-15 Ammo

President Obama is once again using his executive power to thwart the Constitution and impose his will on the populace, this time with a surprise ban on certain gun ammunition. Paul Bedard reports in the Washington Examiner that the administration is fast-tracking a...

DOA: Colorado House Kills Health Exchange Bonus Oversight

This afternoon, the House Committee on Insurance, Health, and Environment "postponed indefinitely" (read: killed) a bill that would have required legislative oversight for employee bonuses at Colorado's health exchange, Connect for Health Colorado. The bill, SB15-052,...

DRESS-CODE SCOLD: Please, Someone Make Polis Stop

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Wednesday scolded an unnamed member of Congress for violating the chamber’s rules of decorum, The Hill reported. "Members should wear appropriate attire during all sittings of the House, however brief their appearances on the...

2022 General Election






