Recent Headlines

THE MORE YOU KNOW: Giraffes and Elephants in Browns Canyon?

  Rep. Diana DeGette is just so gosh darned hip. Have you seen her latest post on the BuzzFeed community? It can be found alongside other informative pieces like "Which Harry Potter Character Matches Your Zodiac Sign?" (full disclosure, our's was Draco) And,...

PSYCH! Task Force Won’t Stop Lawsuits, Frack Ban Plans

  Newsflash: All that talk about fracking bans, imposing local control to ban fracking, bladda bladda, affordable energy kills puppies – it turns out that environmentalists don’t really mean it. That was the message from Pete Maysmith of Conservation Colorado on...

CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY: Marble Takes Aim at Concealed Carry Permits

On a Thursday voice vote in the Colorado State Senate, Sen. Vicki Marble's Constitutional Carry bill passed, and will head to the House, where Democrats are expected to pop a round in this bill (that's for you, Rep. Salazar) on a party line vote.  Constitutional...

DUI BILL STALLS: When Bleeding Hearts Freeze

It’s ironic how some Democrats instantly become fiscal conservatives when they don’t want to do something, like punish repeat offenders who insist on getting behind the wheel of a car, drunk, and kill or maim people. It’s not the drunk’s fault, Democrats whine. They...

2022 General Election






