Recent Headlines

CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY: Marble Takes Aim at Concealed Carry Permits

On a Thursday voice vote in the Colorado State Senate, Sen. Vicki Marble's Constitutional Carry bill passed, and will head to the House, where Democrats are expected to pop a round in this bill (that's for you, Rep. Salazar) on a party line vote.  Constitutional...

DUI BILL STALLS: When Bleeding Hearts Freeze

It’s ironic how some Democrats instantly become fiscal conservatives when they don’t want to do something, like punish repeat offenders who insist on getting behind the wheel of a car, drunk, and kill or maim people. It’s not the drunk’s fault, Democrats whine. They...

LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE: Washington Post Nails VA Chief as Fibber

We weren’t the only ones who noticed that VA Chief Robert McDonald appeared to be wildly inflating his facts as to how many employees have been fired for the scandal that rocked his agency last summer. McDonald made his first Meet the Press appearance Sunday, but was...

FRACTIVISTS REST IN PIECES: Denver Campaign is Dead on Arrival

Floyd Ciruli’s take on the latest anti-fracking campaign targeting Denver is the closest thing to an obituary we’ve seen since Mark Udall’s Senate campaign. Those out-of-state agitators plus a few Boulderites have zero clout and no one with any sense is backing their...

OBAMA’S NEW MONUMENT: We’re Not Exactly Thrilled

  Not everyone is thrilled over President Obama’s latest wave of the Antiquities Act wand to national monumentize Browns Canyon. The scenic river, surrounding property and rock spires in Chaffee County that are a mix of federal and state lands, will become...

2022 General Election






