Recent Headlines

KUMBAYA? Veterans Chief Claims Bizarre Harmony with Coffman

  U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman has fired another salvo at the incompetence of the Obama administration while the embattled VA Chief Robert McDonald was caught telling a whopper of a fib. McDonald appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday to defend his childish behavior...

BRACE YOURSELVES: Washington Does Something Stupid, Again

Our eyes usually glaze over when political press releases touting some random award, benign vote, or the annual committee assignments are issued, but this announcement caused our jaws to slam into the keyboard and projectile vomit all over the computer screen. We...

LIGHTS OUT: Cave-Dwelling Chumps Protest Everything

College students in Colorado and nationwide this weekend are on a campaign to save the world from the evils of fossil fuels -- electricity that powers cell phones, televisions, and computers, the malicious fuel required to operate cars including the hybrids, that...

THIRD TIME’S THE CHARM: Scheffel Builds a Door to Affordable CO Housing

Those living in Denver don’t need to be reminded of the difficulty finding housing, especially condos, that are affordable for the average household budget. The condo share of the housing market dropped from 23 percent to four percent in recent years, in part due to...

GO CONGRESS! Take Away Your Own Money

This is the best idea to come out of a legislative body since the Romans created sanitation. And that’s only a slight exaggeration. Congress has proposed withholding their own paychecks until a Balanced Budget Amendment is passed. As an added bonus, tax-increases...

FOURTH PLACE: Senate Dems Make the D-Team

Everyone makes fun of Republicans for being a bunch of old white guys, but Democrats in Colorado aren't exactly on the cutting edge of cool or up-to-speed on the parlance of our times (to quote one of our favorite Dude-isms). Take this latest Facebook post from...

SO FRACKING RACIST? Radical Greenies Exposed for Outrageous Claim

In a post earlier today, we told you about eco-whack job Sam Schabacker, the leader of the latest anti-energy crusade now seeking to ban fracking in Denver. His Washington, D.C. – based activist group is so desperate for a win against energy production, they’re...

MEET THE WINGNUT: Sam Schabacker Wants You to be Cold and Hungry

For every fracking ban, there is a wingnut enviro pulling the strings. In Lafayette, it was Cliff Willmeng. You remember Cliff and his middle finger, don't you? In Boulder we had Wes Wilson - the man who likened energy production to slavery. Now please welcome with a...

2022 General Election






