Recent Headlines

F-ING SCARY: McLachlan Doesn’t Understand Gun Law He Supported

F-ING SCARY: McLachlan Doesn’t Understand Gun Law He Supported

Oy vey. If it isn’t bad enough that Rep. Mike McLachlan (D-Durango) showed no remorse whatsoever for passing onerous gun control laws, it has become clear he didn’t even understand what he was voting for in the first place. McLachlan, an attorney, whole-heartedly...

GARDNER UP 8: Udall’s “Character Numbers Are Worse”

GARDNER UP 8: Udall’s “Character Numbers Are Worse”

According to a Quinnipiac poll released this morning, Rep. Cory Gardner is up by 8 points on Sen. Mark Udall (48/40).  And, according to Tim Malloy, the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll, Udall is floundering: “For Sen. Mark Udall, the head to head...

DOWN BALLOT, SAD DEMS: Willams And Coffman Beating Opponents

DOWN BALLOT, SAD DEMS: Willams And Coffman Beating Opponents

Lost in the USA Today/Suffolk poll that showed Rep. Cory Gardner beating Sen. Mark Udall 43-42, and former Rep. Bob Beauprez closing in on Gov. John Hickenlooper 41-43, was the results of two other statewide races: Attorney General and Secretary of State. Despite many...

SKEW THIS: Polls Coming Back To Bite Udall And Hick

SKEW THIS: Polls Coming Back To Bite Udall And Hick

You know what they say about the weather polls in Colorado: if you don’t like one, wait 15 minutes.  Despite Colorado Lefties best attempt to declare Sen. Mark Udall the most awesomest, bestest, coolest dude who ever lived the front runner in his race away from Obama...

ANALYSIS: What’s the Deal with the ‘No on 68’ Ads?

ANALYSIS: What’s the Deal with the ‘No on 68’ Ads?

While most of the attention this cycle has gone to the high profile top of the ticket races, there are also millions being spent on a ballot initiative that would allow gaming at horse racetracks in Arapahoe, Mesa and Pueblo counties. Tax revenue generated from...

DOUBLE DIGIT LEAD: Quinnipiac Poll Has Beauprez Up 10

DOUBLE DIGIT LEAD: Quinnipiac Poll Has Beauprez Up 10

UPDATE: The left has been quick to reject this poll by releasing internal polling (minus any head to head comparison) and crying to their favorite reporters about how the Quinnipiac poll is inaccurate.  It's worth noting that the left was happy to use the Quinnipiac...

2022 General Election






