Recent Headlines

ANOTHER FAILURE: Hickenlooper Nixes Talk of Special Session

UPDATE 3: Rep. Coffman also weighed in on Polis' proposals as they make their way to the ballot: "Breakthrough advances in energy development have America racing toward energy independence," said Mike Coffman. "As a combat veteran myself, I know that means we'll need...

DESPERATE DISTRACTION: How To Make A Pro-Udall Attack Ad

The Senate Majority PAC— the pro-Udall, pro-Democrat outfit—released an ad today that utters the word “rape” five times in just 30 seconds.  You know that narrative Colorado Democrats were trying to push this morning that Sen. Mark Udall was actually up by seven...

FRACTIVISTS FLOP: Minus Outside Money And People, Fractivists Fail In CO

Colorado Community Rights Network, a fractivists group pushing an extreme anti-fracking initiative this fall, determined it would be impossible for them to gather enough signatures in time to qualify for the ballot.  As The Gazette’s Megan Schrader reported: The first...

BIG TENT: GOP State Legislative Candidates Highlighted by RSLC

The Republican Party in Colorado is gaining on Democrats when it comes to nominating candidates that represent Colorado’s diverse heritage.   Two of Colorado’s top targeted legislative races both feature minority GOP candidates and have made the list of “14 in ’14...

PeakFeed: Hick Calls Obama “The Change We Need”

Last week, much ado was made over Mark Udall's refusal to be seen with President Barack Obama due to Obama's abysmal poll numbers.  Many compared Udall's praise for Obama back in the day when he was popular to Udall's current game of hide and seek.  But, Udall wasn't...

DROP THE INITIATIVES: Democrats Turn Up Heat on Polis, Dangle DCCC

Democrats are begging their own Rep. Jared Polis to back off his proposed ballot initiatives for fear they may cost them the U.S. Senate, but nothing, not even a reported call from President Barack Obama has been enough to convince Polis to back the truck up.  Of...

2022 General Election






