Recent Headlines

SPENDING SPREE: What to Watch for During Long Bill Debate

The Colorado House is currently debating the state’s budget, more fondly referred to as the “Long Bill” because of its length, and Democrat leaders are already spending this year’s surplus like a bunch of drunken monkeys.   Here are the top four things to watch for as...

KOCHED OUT: Dems Binging on Bogeymen Will Lead to Losses in Fall

Attacking the Koch brothers for Democrats is a dangerous addiction.  Now we have a better understanding why. Back in 2006, after six years of a Republican Presidency, House, and Senate, America was going through a little bit of GOP fatigue.  The Republicans answer to...

GUEST POST: Medicaid Explosion

This week's Long Bill Narrative contains some striking news about Medicaid in Colorado. More than one Million Coloradans will be on Medicaid (of 5.5 Million residents) 9.5% of those 65 & up* will get Medicaid in 2015. 19.7% of those under 65 will get Medicaid in...

DINO-NOT: CO Film Subsidies in Budget Fund Worst Films Ever

This week, the Colorado State House will debate the budget.  While we're sure there are more ridiculous things included, we can't help but highlight this line item - a $5 million increase in subsidies for the film industry through the Governor's "The Office of Film"...

DOUBLING DOWN: Mark Udall Would Vote for Obamacare Again

"I would do it again, yes." That's the soon-to-be famous doubling down by liberal U.S. Senator Mark Udall when asked by 850KOA whether he would vote again for Obamacare. Listen to the audio here, courtesy of America Rising: An excerpt from the interview: UDALL: “So in...

MONEY BOMB: Dollar and Cents Study Destroys Fractivists’ Initiative

Brutal.  That’s the only way to describe the results of the economic impact study conducted by the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado and the Common Sense Policy Roundtable on the proposed local control initiative fracking ban in Colorado....

2022 General Election






