THE FLORIDA EFFECT: Romanoff Shies Away from Obamacare Bear Hug

THE FLORIDA EFFECT: Romanoff Shies Away from Obamacare Bear Hug

Ever since Tuesday’s big upset in Florida’s CD13, politicians who used to give Obamacare wet sloppy kisses have started ducking into dark alcoves each time the “O word” is uttered.  We’re coining it The Florida Effect and its first victim...

UNBLOODIED: Democratic Candidates Far From Battle Tested

UPDATE: Republican strategist Dick Wadhams weighed in on the notion that these candidates have been untested. “I certainly agree that Romanoff and Hickenlooper have had a charmed political existence but Udall is a little different since he did have tough...

PAGING RICK PALACIO: Democrats Can’t Field Decent CD3 Candidate

With all the hullabaloo around the Coffman vs. Romanoff race, we almost forgot about U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton’s race – if you could call it a race.  As Democrats focus on bailing out liberal U.S. Senator Mark Udall, they seem to be unable to field a...