HANCOCKGATE: Protestors Shut Down Gentrification Because Sex Scandal

When liberal protestors bring an abrupt end to the mayor’s meeting on gentrification by shouting him down over a sex scandal and demanding his resignation, that should be the Democrats’ sign they are fully engulfed in a PR crisis. The issue of gentrification, after...

COVER UP: The Hancock Playbook to Escape #MeToo

Mayor Han(d)cock is skating through the #metoo storm, escaping all liability for sexually harassing a member of his own security detail without repercussions. Meanwhile, his supporters on the city council are squirming on the sidelines trying to escape their authority...

HANCOCK SCANDAL: Is Council Investigating? Not Really.

The Denver City Council is out of excuses. We hope. Last week they tried weaseling out of an investigation into the sexual harassment claims against Mayor Hancock made public from one of his former security detail officers, claiming it would re-victimize her. Oh, Hell...

GUN SAFETY: Denver Schools to Reject Funding, Because Politics

Some school districts including Denver Public Schools are taking a knee-jerk reaction to the Florida school tragedy, and pledging to reject future grants from the National Rifle Association. The problem with this, is that the NRA grants fund gun safety programs,...