HIDE AND SEEK: EPA Plays Games with Gold King Mine Documents

The EPA has dumped a massive amounts of documents on reporters as part of a Freedom of Information Act request for information pertaining to the equally massive dump of mine water the agency released into the Animas River last year. We suspect it’s Colorado’s...

BIG SECRET? Loretta Lynch Kept Mine Spill Investigation Under Wraps

It’s been one year since the EPA released a torrent of mine water down the Animas River then pledged to take responsibility for their mess.And by responsibility, they meant to insist until their dying day that it wasn’t their fault. To celebrate this auspicious...

SNARK ALERT: EPA Bashes Durango

The EPA and Durango Herald are in a snit fight so deliciously snarky, we strongly recommend that PeakNation™ grab some popcorn and check this out: The Environmental Protection Agency on-scene coordinator whose orders last August ultimately caused the Gold King Mine...

GOP PLATFORM: Animas River Spill Cited in Pledge to Demote EPA

The EPA and environmentalists take a well-deserved beating for the Animas River spill as part of the Republican platform released at the national convention Monday. Environmental extremists are forever reaching to create more claims of the world ending in order to...

BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Why We Now Hate New Mexico

Colorado is being sued by our neighbor to the south because the federal government created the Gold King Mine environmental disaster. Their argument goes something like this: Colorado is easier to blame, cause they are easier to sue than the federal government and we...