Sep 17, 2013
So, it turns out that cheap fossil fuels lead to more disposable income for middle class families. Go figure. Last week IHS, an Englewood-based market research company, published a study that affirmed what we knew all along: fracking and horizontal drilling will...
Sep 6, 2013
According to the federal Bureau of Land Management, 95% of new wells in Colorado are fracked, but if anti-energy fractivists have their way, the only thing that will get fracked is Colorado’s economy. After years of protesters clad in gas masks and costumes...
Aug 28, 2013
Boulder Congressman Jared Polis, the 7th richest member of Congress, told a Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry panel today that residents in his district are not interested in jobs in the energy economy. As reported by the Denver Business Journal’s...
Aug 26, 2013
Yesterday in Boulder was the first in a series of so-called “Frack Free Beer Festivals.” While fracking fluid has never been found in beer, or any other drink for that matter, sponsors Oskar Blues Brewery and El Dorado Springs Water are very concerned...
Aug 7, 2013
Denver Post editorial board editor Vincent Carroll annihilated Obamacare con man Congressman Jared Polis in a column today. In the column, Carroll hits Polis for his “melodramatic overstatement,” “conflating drilling and fracking,” and...