Dec 16, 2015
The BLM told Mesa County to bugger off when officials asked for an extension to comment on the feds coming cancellation of gas leases in the White River National Forest, reports Gary Harmon of the Daily Sentinel. Industry officials will have to work through the...
Nov 24, 2015
The latest warning of a looming environmental disaster by the Denver Post’s Bruce Finley is that the sky is falling. More specifically, he says the sky is failing to star because of so-called “light pollution” across Colorado’s Front Range. Finley cites light-control...
Oct 28, 2015
Despite the determined efforts of environmentalists seeking to decimate the state’s oil and gas industry, it turns out that the greater majority of us still support driving cars and heating our homes. That’s according to a new poll conducted for the Colorado Petroleum...
Oct 23, 2015
Hillary Clinton spent 20 years testifying before Congress yesterday, so little attention was given to her endorsement of a radical Colorado amendment to kill the oil and gas industry through so-called local control. The report in Politico yesterday highlighted...
Oct 6, 2015
Anti-fracking campaigns are so 2014 and have been losing momentum ever since Rep. Jared Polis struck a deal with Gov. John Hickenlooper to remove them from the ballot last year. But out of state interests seem to have missed the memo as they descended on Denver...