FLAILING FRACTIVISTS: More Reasons to Vote Down Ballot Measures

Natural Resources Director Bob Randall is contemplating whether there continues to be a groundswell of support to pass two ballot measures that seek to put the oil and gas industry out of business in Colorado, the Durango Herald reports. Randall notes that “some of...

NATIONAL GOP CONVENTION: Party Platform Focuses on Western Issues

Republicans will begin hammering out the details of the new party platform today with issues directly affecting our state at the forefront. States rights, Sage grouse, energy production on public lands and who controls those public lands are all expected to be...

BECAUSE NEW YORK SAYS SO: BLM Rule Gives Voice to Colorado Outsiders

It looks like national environmental groups are taking command of the national Bureau of Land Management office with a new rule that elevates their reactionary agenda while casting the worries and concerns of local citizens aside. The new way of doing things would...

WATER WAR! Bennet Sides with Obama Against Colorado Water, WOTUS

 U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet is the undisputed champion of the EPA’s brazen water grab, also known as Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS), having voted Thursday to uphold President Obama’s veto of legislation that would kill the regulations coming to a ditch near you. When...